Why Us

Completely self-hosted

Host your project entirely on your own server,with absolute control and data privacy.

Sleft hosted

Search Engine Optimization

Optimizing your website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

On-Page SEO

Keyword research, optimizing meta tags, using relevant headings, optimizing images with alt tags, and ensuring a user-friendly URL structure.

Technical SEO

Improve website crawling and indexing by search engines. Optimizing website speed and performance.

User Experience

Optimizing UX can indirectly improve SEO by increasing user engagement and reducing the likelihood of users bouncing back from the site.


Really fast

Outstanding website performance and with CDN global nodes, your website can be accessed quickly from anywhere in the world.

 For fast and secure sites, Jamstack is an architectural approach that decouples the web experience layer from data and business logic, improving flexibility, scalability, performance, and maintainability.
Cloudlare global CDN
 Cloudflare global network spans over 300 cities & 100 countries. Operating within 50 milliseconds of 95% of the Internet-connected population globally.
 Good performance is always important, but it is especially critical for content-focused websites. It has been well-proven that poor performance loses you engagement, conversions, and money. 2023 Web Framework Performance Report
build fast websites


Support for unlimited multi-national languages aims to accommodate users from different countries and regions,enabling the website to provide support for multiple languages, cultures, and regions.

Multi-language support
Cross-platform support

Cross-platform support

Based on Tailwind CSS, Working mobile-first,using responsive design to build adaptive user interfaces, tested on the latest stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. Supported devices including phone, tablet, laptop, and even desktop devices with iOS or Android support. Note: As Tailwind CSS v3.0 has abandoned IE, It does not support any version of IE, including IE 11.

Website Security & Protection

An attacked website will get a warning in Google: "This site may harm your computer", which will cost the website access and create a serious crisis of trust. We take website security very seriously and we take strict measures at the technical level to protect your website against the most common attacks

CDN Nodes Deployment
Against various network attacks, distributing traffic load, and improving website availability and response times.
SSL certificates
Protect the data transmitted between the client and the server with HTTPS encryption and increase the trust of users and search engines in the website.
Completely decouple backend and frontend
A decoupled website the storage of the data and the servers are in one place and the actual website is somewhere else, this reduces the opportunities available to attackers and reduces the risk of attacks against the back end.
Authenticate requests
We set up a proxy server between the server and the client to authenticate and process form requests, which protects the authentication key while enabling authorization of cross-domain requests and management of request frequency.