Use gdpr and ccpa compliant cookie consent

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Using cookie notices that comply with GDPR and CCPA regulations is important to protect users' privacy rights and data protection.

GDPR is a regulation enacted by the European Union that aims to safeguard the privacy and security of personal data. Under GDPR, websites are required to inform users about the types of personal data that will be collected, why it is being collected, and how it will be used. Cookie notices provide a transparent way for websites to inform users about the types and purposes of cookies being used and give users the choice to consent to their use. This ensures that users have the right to be informed and have control over whether they accept the use of cookies.

Similarly, CCPA is a regulation in the state of California, USA, designed to protect consumer privacy. According to CCPA, websites must inform users about the types of personal data being collected and shared and provide users with the choice to opt-out of the sale of their data. Cookie notices are a way to meet the requirements of CCPA by enabling users to understand how their data is being used and exercise control over their personal information.

Therefore, using cookie notices that comply with GDPR and CCPA regulations helps websites adhere to relevant privacy laws and enhances the protection of users' privacy rights. These notices provide transparency and choice, empowering users to have better control over their personal data and decide whether they are willing to share such data.